miércoles, 3 de diciembre de 2008

It's all about music :: clip 9 of 9 :: Rocío & Alaia

6 comentarios:

Oliver dijo...

This is Oliver!
The song is great!

T dijo...

hi i'm coffee:)
your video is soooooooooo cool:)
i love it<3
nice to know all of u

Anónimo dijo...

Hi! I'm Charlie Jr. I saw your video. Your video is very interesting and the song is terrific. Soon you'll see my "My favorite song" video! Don't miss it!

巧克力雲 dijo...

Merry X'mas to all of you.
Hope you have a good vacation

Anónimo dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
Anónimo dijo...

Hi! I'm Charlie Jr.
Happy New Year to both of you! 2009 is the "OX" year in Taiwan. By the way, the chinese of ox is simmlar to "New"!