sábado, 20 de marzo de 2010

Typical Spanish food:: clip 1 of 6 :: Sandra&Sandra&Amara

3 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

your video is so.....beautiful!
you know why?
because it has three girls in that vuideo~ha ha ha XD

stella dijo...

i really like the Spanish food .

angel dijo...

Hola, amigos, me llamo Angel.
Hi,Sandra and Amara.
I'm Angel:)

The Typical Spanish food,which you introduced looked special!!
But I can't see the food very well,what's that?
How about the food I had introduced, rice dumplings?
I thought that it tasted good, just what I had said, dumplings are made of rice、penuts and some meat and musrooms!

Come and have some, you'll like it!